Buying and moving into your first home (second or even third) is always an exciting and sometimes daunting event. As your move-in date approaches, the reality of packing your life in boxes can overwhelm even the most organized personalities. That’s why it’s important to plan and prepare for any move. Here are some helpful moving tips to guide you through the process of moving into a new home.
1) Talk
Other homeowners will have valuable insight and can shed light on some of the questions you may have. Find out what worked and didn’t work for them, and use that information to help you plan.
2) Plan
Get all your ducks in a row. Before you move you will likely need to setup new utility accounts in your name and this process alone can take time. Contact your local hydro, cable and gas providers for more information.You will also need to inform the provincial and federal governments of your new address. If you live in Quebec, you can use the Service québécois de changement d'adresse to change your address with six different services at the same time. You will also need to setup home insurance or contents insurance depending on the type home you have purchased.
3) Pack & Label
Group similar items together and sort them based on where they will go in your home. For example, main bathroom toiletries or basement media. Label each box with specific information such as contents and where they will be stored. You can colour code each label to make it easier as well. LC Tip: Use plastic bins as opposed to paper boxes. You can always reuse the bins for extra storage and they eliminate waste.
4) Moving Day
The big day! Have a schedule of what items need to be moved and what you want to accomplish on this day. Moving into a new home takes time and it can’t be done in one day. Prioritize what you’d like to have ready to go first, and the other items can follow. If you are recruiting friends and family to give you a hand, designate a role to each of them. Having an organized crew makes a world of difference. They are all responsible for a job and this makes the process quicker and more efficient.
5) Enjoy
Moving day is typically hectic. Take breaks, refuel and remember that all your hard work is worth the end result.
Here are some items to help you get organized in your new space: