With the new year most of us start thinking about things we want to do better. Working out, eating healthy and travelling are often top of the list. Most of us have grand dreams of getting into the best shape of our lives and learning new skills, and most of us won’t keep those resolutions past March.
Here are eight New Year’s resolutions that will have a good impact on your life and you can actually realistically keep all year long.
- Drink More Water - you don’t have to drink a gallon a day, but it’s important to stay hydrated. Try adding a reusable water bottle to your routine. It will help you drink more and you won’t be wasting plastic bottles when out and about.
- Learn Something - some people dream of learning a new language or learning a new skill. Instead of limiting yourself to one specific thing you may or may not achieve, just tell yourself you will learn something new this year and see where the year takes you.
- Be More Sustainable - try implementing small steps into your life to be more eco-conscious. Using reusable straws, recycling when you can and cutting out some single use items is a great way to start. Looking for more ways to be more sustainable? Check out this sustainability guide for 2021.
- Read More - we spend a lot of time staring at our phones, computers and televisions. Take a little time in 2021 to read a book. If you aren’t currently a big reader, you don’t have to read a hundred books or even fifty. Try setting a goal to read five books this year. It will be easier than you think.
- Give Back - 2020 was a trying year for most. In 2021 make a resolution to give back. Maybe that means donating to charity, volunteering your time or shopping at local businesses.
- Be a Better Cook - with restaurants closed I think we’ve all been ordering a little more takeout than normal. The new year is the perfect time to brush up on your cooking skills. Learn a new dish or perfect and old favorite. We’ve even gathered some tips on being a better cook in 2021. Check that out here.
- Get Organized - the new year is the perfect time to get organized. You don’t need to Marie Kondo your whole house by the end of January, instead pick one section of your house to declutter and organize each month.
- Be Thankful - if this year has taught us anything it’s to be thankful for our health, our homes, our jobs and our loved ones. Let’s bring that spirit of thankfulness into the 2021.
Here’s to setting resolutions we can keep and ringing in a new year that’s hopefully better than the last. Cheers and Happy New Year!