Suivez-nous sur Pinterest pour ne rien manquer de vos futurs coups de coeur pour le foyer… que ce soit des produits, des idées déco, des recettes délicieuses ou des projets. Inspirez-vous des épingles les plus populaires cette semaine!
Sugar and flour drawer
Great for when you have a ton of makeup
light and white with dark wood floors
Industrial pantry storage
Spaghetti Measure - This innovative, compact spaghetti measure provides an adjustable portion guide for 1 to 4 servings.
blue and grey bed
Now that's a bathroom!
mint green backsplash with white cabinetsbright & brick in the kitchengrey kitchenmodern bathroomcute laundry roomprettyOverflow bathtub with fireplace.. wow!

You wouldnt need to wait for a whole dishwasher to fill up - just wash one drawer at a time.Organized & Modern
Under-cabinet knife block drawer - Away from the kids reach and off the counter!
Perfect for baking pans & cutting boards